XDAG Community Re-Voting


Because of someone voted fraudulently, the vote for the reduction scheme was invalidated. After urgent consultations, the community decided to use the method of voting by donating XDAG coins. The “doing evil” behavior can be monitored by using the open, transparent, and traceable features of the XDAG blockchain browser. Donated XDAG coins will be given to XDAG developers. The account will be managed by Sofar temporally. Please read the rules carefully to avoid invalid votes:

由于个别成员利用投票系统漏洞作恶,导致减产方案投票失效。社区成员在紧急磋商后,决定采用捐币投票的方式,利用XDAG区块链浏览器公开、透明、可追溯的特点来监控“ 作恶” 的行为。此次投票收集的所有XDAG都将捐赠给开发者,暂由Sofar管理。请社区成员仔细阅读以下内容,以免投出无效票。

Rules:/ 投票规则:

Rule 1. / 规则1.

Each address can only be used for donation once. If an address is used to donated more than once, or donate through other addresses, the vote from the address and the related address will be considered invalid;

每个地址在一个方案中仅能捐币一次,若发现一个地址多次捐赠,或通过多个地址间接捐赠,则该地 址及相关地址的捐币视为无效

Rule 2. / 规则2.

The number of donated XDAG coins from each vote is between 1,000 and 100,000. Numbers of 1,000 and 100,000 are included. If the number of donated XDAG coins from each vote is out of the range, the vote is considered invalid;

每个地址在一个方案中捐币的数量限定在 1000到 10万,不在范围内的 数量视为无效;

Rule 3. / 规则3.

The vote must be from the private wallet address. The vote from the exchange is not acceptable;


Rule 4. / 规则4.

During the voting period, any xdag address transferred to the exchange directly or indirectly will be considered invalid;


Rule 5. / 规则5.

Everyone cant set the vote address to the mining address, or it will be considered invalid;


Rule 6. / 规则6.

During the voting period, a new mining address is forbidden to vote directly or indirectly, it will be considered invalid;


Rule 7. / 规则7.

The transfer record can be monitored by the blockchain browser, which requires the joint supervision of all members of the community;

以上规则均可在区块链浏览器的转账记录中找到证据,需要社区所有成员 共同监督;

Rule 8. / 规则8.

If unexpected “Doing evil” occurs during the voting process, the community has the right to arbitrate its validity or terminate the vote after the failure of arbitration.


Rule 9. / 规则9.

No coins will be returned, all of them will be donated to community fund.


Closing time: / 投票截止时间:

September 15, 2019 08:00 (UTC+0).
2019年9月15日 16:00(北京时间).

How to evaluate result: / 如何评定投票结果:

After the voting deadline, compare the effective currency amount of the three wallet addresses A, B, and C, the option with the largest number of coins wins.

在投票截止后,对比 A、B、C三个钱包地址所得有效币数,币数多的方案胜出。

Options: / 投票项说明:

Option A. / 方案 A:

Shorten the period of 4 years to 2 years, this will reduce 50% of total supply of XDAG, about 62% of not mined XDAG. It just adjust the period with the best balance among current holders, future miners and community itself. This proposal needs code change of time period only.

将半衰期从 4年调整为 2年,这将减少未来约 62%的 XDAG总产出。这只需要调整半衰期来达到当前持币者、未来的矿工和社区本身运转的长期发展这三者之间的平衡。此提议只需要调整半衰期部分代码。

Option A Address: / 方案A 投票地址: YedBmbzfe2ep9yT4TIm9DY3GDOqyQ3bf

Option B. / 方案 B:

Adjust block reward from 1024 XDAG to 128 XDAG, halving period is still 4 years. It will reduce about 87.5% of the remain supply. This proposal needs code change of rewarding logic.

将当前的块奖励从 1024 XDAG直接调整为 128 XDAG,半衰期维持不变, 依旧是 4年。这将减少未来约 87. 5%的 XDAG总产出。此提议需要调整块奖励逻 辑和奖励发放逻辑。

Option B Address: / 方案B 投票地址: vLXvnoIJn4MtVNbV/Zcebp8q/V/aiFf6

Option C. / 方案 C:

Neither of them.


Option C Address: / 方案 C 投票地址:9Qc8KiWJoN7jgg/vYC/iGODe15NvyZjd

Feedback / 反馈方式

If you have any problem, please contact iGod throught igod@xdag.io

有问题可以通过邮箱 igod@xdag.io 联系iGod。


Support The Community: This site is managed by the XDAG community.

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